Sunday, December 25, 2011

Thank God for Good People!

I will do a Christmas post tomorrow with pictures and everything but right now I just have to tell y'all this horrible story.

So today when we went to moms the kids wore their pj's as always and house shoes. Well after we ate and opened presents the kids were playing outside. Well Lucas wanted his tennis shoes and he kept asking me and Bradley to take him home so I told him after daddy took a nap he would take him. Well he kept on whining about it so I said what I say all the time " you can either wait or walk". So I see all the kids go outside and Michael is out back burning paper and boxes. We are all laying in the floor sleeping and Bradley is in bed. Like a hour goes by and 2 cops come to the door wanting Lucas' mom and dad. So I go out there and Lucas is in the back of the cop car. He apparently took me serious. He had walked right out the front door out the end of the subdivision and headed down Florence Rd (which is a very busy road) toward home. This is the part that scares me to death but I am so thankful for at the same time. Apparently a family stopped and saw him. They asked him to get in and he of course he said no and luckily they were persistent. So he tells them how to get home. Which he had already walked a good mile at least. I live probably 8-9 miles from moms house. They get almost to our subdivision when the family gets scared because they have took him so far and maybe he didn't know where he was going. So they called the police! The cops came got him. Lucas then showed them how to get home. The funny part is he is still on a mission to get his shoes. The cops tell Lucas no one is home and he says I know they are at my Mammie's house. He then takes them all the way back to mom's house. And that is the first time I even knew he was gone. When the cop told me all this I immediately start squalling like a baby. When they told me he got in the car with somebody I about lost it. I am so thankful it was good people that found him. It could have just as easily been a crazy person and he would be gone forever. It makes me so sick to think about that. I had a thousand emotions and thoughts run thru my head in about a minutes time. I tell you I felt like the most horrible mother ever. I saw how very easy it would be to loose him and my nerves were and still are shot. So when they finally let him out of the car he came over to me and his first words were "You didn't give me a key to get in the house" He had no clue what he did. He was on a mission to get his shoes. He said "Momma you told me to go". So after talking to him and explaining to him how bad it could have been. I am so very thankful that he is safe tonight. The strange thing is the very thing that scares me the most I am so thankful for. That someone stopped and picked him up. I do not know who the people were or were they came from but who ever they are I am so thankful and I pray god blesses them. On another note I am thankful that the cops were nice and saw that it was a honest mistake and that we are good people. The cop straight up told me I could take you to jail and take your kids with me now. For child neglect. He was walking with no shoes on too. He didn't want to mess his new house shoes up. I can not tell you how scared I am or how many tears I cried today. So my best Christmas present ever and always will be those people stopping and taking care of my child when I didn't even know he was missing.

All day I kept thinking about Papaw and I can't help think he sent those people to Lucas. I think he has a guardian angel. Thank you Lord for keeping my baby safe. I just keep thinking how different this day could have been!


  1. Wow! Thats all I can think! So very happy things turned out good. As a mom, I could not imagine this happening. It is so great he could tell them how to get back.

  2. From a mom to a mom don't beat your self up. parenting dont come with handbooks. praise the lord for the sweet family. What a blessing!

  3. You need to change the part where it is a "horrible story"! This is a wonderful story with a great would have been horrible if it turned out another way. A Christmas story we will never forget...

  4. Bless you! I am thankful for the happy ending! I have concluded that grey hairs are earned with every child you raise.... and we shall be white headed by 40!!!

  5. HALEY PRITCHETT! You are definately Darrel Kilgore's twin! That sounds exactly like something he would tell Chloe. This is so scary but I have laughed at the same time. Thank the Lord he's ok.
