Friday, April 29, 2011

Crazy Awful week!

Logan was bored!
Lucas and Toy Story Jordan! LOL
Fake laughing for a song they were singing!
Addy was nervous!
The two Will's
Our storm damage from Wednesday!
We had a mote around the house
It got awfully close to our neighbors house
He was tired!
They both were!
Bradley playing baseball with the boys!
Logan hiding in a mole hole! LOL
Lucas is ready!
Finally caught a picture of him smiling!
He likes being naked! You can't really tell in this picture but he has Logan's dimples.

These pictures uploaded totally backwards and I am to lazy to fix it! Anyway Tuesday was really nice! I finally caught some pictures of him smiling. He has been smiling for a while but usually as soon as I get the camera he starts crying. LOL Tuesday night I mowed the grass while they played baseball. I love to mow! Then the dreaded Wednesday. We had a small flood in our yard but nothing compared to what they had one the other side of town. And for sure nothing close to what Alabama and Georgia is dealing with!

Thursday Lucas had school and I kept Wilkins. After mom got off work we met Brandy to drop of her car to get her tire fixed. So while we waited we ran to Olive Garden! Super Yummy as always!Then last night Lucas and Addy had a little program last night. They sang a few songs then had a little open house in their room. Of course the teachers love Lucas and Addy. They think we have the best kids! Just wait until Logan and Wilkins in a couple years! Anyway after we left Bradley and I ran to Arby's because he was hungry! I have had some allergy problems this week but can't be sick today. I have my three boys plus Addy and Wilkins! Pray for me!

So I am finally getting a new washer and dryer this weekend. I have had mine for 10 years! We got it for a wedding present. It has done its time. The week before our Anniversary the dryer went kerplunk! I have been washing my clothes and hanging them to dry or taking them to moms or LeAnne's to dry. We have not had time to go get them. So this weekend we are cleaning out the laundry room and putting a fresh coat of pain on the walls! Then they will deliver my new set on Monday! I am so excited. I am also wanting my lovely husband to lay me some new flooring in there too. We will see if we have time!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

I need sleep!

Ok so my nerves are shot. I could not sleep last night. Lucas was up and down most of the night. He is so scared of storms anyway but he heard us talking to much yesterday. I keep thinking about the devastation in Alabama and Georgia. Like I said yesterday we lost some family members. It is so sad but like I told Bradley what a way to go. Together! I am sure it won't be so easy for their kids and grandkids to deal with but I hope if I don't go first Bradley and I go together.

What is stuck on my mind is someone said they were in the closet with her three kids and they were all bracing themselves. She has two kids that are a little older and a toddler. She said she could feel it trying to suck them out of the house and was waiting to be sucked out one by one. But it didn't! Thank god! I just keep thinking what if it was here. I was home by myself with the three boys yesterday. I don't think I could hold onto all three of them and brace myself. It scares me to death to think about but thank you lord it wasn't us. I have heard so many friends and family that lost so much! Keep them all in your thoughts and prayers!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

No more storms please!

I am so worried about all my blogging friends in Alabama and Georgia! Praying for yall! Bradley's Aunt and Uncle were killed by tornado today on Sand Mountain! Hoping and praying for no more bad news!

Stay Safe!!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Finally a win!

They finally won a game!!
Lucas and the cutest little catcher you ever saw! (Bryce)
Logan showing me his smile!!
Lucas hitting the ball! 2 RBI's tonight
Warming up before we left home with Bradley! Yes our yard needs to be mowed. lol
I like this picture!

Not sure what she was doing here! LOL
Lucas's cheering section!
And his biggest fan!!

Ok so I know I have already blogged today but I had to share these pictures! Also we actually won tonight. It was a really close game. We won 18-17. Bases were loaded with 2 outs. We hit the ball the catcher had the ball and dropped it on the winning run! Very exciting game for a bunch of 5 and 6 year olds! LOL I hope no one preaches on reveling anytime soon! LOL I think I was doing it tonight!! LOL

Levi stayed with Nana tonight during the game. I think she was afraid he would get a sunburn again! LOL


Logan being Logan !
There were alot of attempts to get a picture of all the kids...
and this the best one!
Lucas acting silly!
still trying

all the grandkids
Our whole family. Dad is back there behind Bradley. They really should have changed places! LOL
Us with Nana and Papaw! And Logan cleaning his nose on his not so cheap solid white sweater vest. UGH
Papaw slipping money in their eggs. LOL
Wilkins aint she beautiful!
Lucas on a mission
They were trying to be patient!
Me and Darrell "Cousins" AKA the KLUMPS
Wilkins hunting eggs
Logan ended up with a ton of eggs. He was grabbing them right out of the front of the other kids. LOL
Love this picture just wished he would have took that big blue paci out.
Ain't it sweet!
Ready to hunt
This is the best one!
This one I was just about to slap Lucas! LOL
Bradley is about to kill Logan in this one!
My boys!
Levi has a sunburn in case you haven't noticed! I don't know how I kept him all covered up must have been wind burn! Terina says it is child abuse! LOL

Very busy weekend! Finished my Easter shopping Friday. Me Lucas and Levi started Friday morning. Shopped until about 1 then went and got mom and Wilkins. Then we ran to Franklin to exchange Logan's outfit. Got back at about 3:30. Bradley wanted to go shopping with me to pick out his on Easter clothes. So we went to Demos for dinner. It was super yummy as usual. Of course we have all three boys. We went in Steinmart and Marshalls. That's all it took he was ready to kill them. We went to Belks. Mom and LeAnne was there he left me with them. He took the Lucas and Logan with him. I didn't get home until about 12:30 am. After we stayed at Kohl's until 11pm we went in Wal-Mart then Brandy and I were hungry so we went to I-Hop. Well when I got home Logan woke up crying saying his mouth and ear was hurting. I will just say I only slept about 3 hours. It was a long night!

Saturday was even crazier. We left at about 9:30am to go help clean up the basement for the weekend. It was a nightmare. Lucas' ballgame started at 11:30 so we ran over there. Watched the game. It was actually really close. They were ahead the whole game until the last inning. They lost 17-16! After the game we took the boys to get a hair cut. Came home played a little more baseball with Lucas. Logan fell asleep in the car. At dinner I ran to belks to exchange Bradley's shirt. Then home got ready for church. Church was good. We came home kids to bed then Easter bunny came. I ironed all our clothes. Got in bed about 12:30 again. Then Sunday was just church all day long it seemed! LOL

We had a good weekend now I am home alone with just Levi and it is really nice! Got another ballgame tonight. Better get up and get busy! I hope everyone had a great Easter!