Waiting on Daddy to get the poles ready
Even Levi had fun fishing!
This is what happened most of the time Lucas and Bradley fished.
Logan jumped off the rocks!
They couldn't be more alike if they wanted to
Yes I am one!
Lucas got one!
Lucas didn't want to touch it!
Ain't he pretty
Now Logan got one
Logan wasn't scared of it! LOL
Then we had to hear them whine "I want to keep it in my room" Please don't throw him back" LOL
He was a happy fisher!
Bradley junior!
So last night we took the boys fishing. They had a blast. They both caught a fish so it was a success. Bradley and I used to go fishing all the time before we had kids. I guess I had it in my mind that we would all have our poles sitting in our chairs relaxing. Negative. I knew better than that. It was constantly Momma can you do that , Logan stop, Don't do that....Bradley and I never even got to fish. Oh well next time we are going without kids. LOL Yea right! Now the rest of the week will be baseball and church!
LOL! I know! James wants me to go fishing with him and the boys so I can watch the boys and he can still get to fish! :) It's running after them and keeping Jameson from throwing his shoes and his clothes in the lake to watch them sink!!! Yes... we learned the hard way not to let him wear good sandals/clothes fishing! :)