Monday, August 9, 2010

I can't believe it either!

So I have been reading every ones blog about there children going to school. I have to say I am in denial. Lucas starts a week from today. Granted it is just Pre School and he only goes 2 days a week. I can't even stand the thought he is such a mommas baby. I mean he would be with me all the time if I would let him. And it isn't just being away from me. I am so worried how he will act. Will he behave? Will he make the grand announcement when he has to go poop?? (yes he thinks everyone should know when he has to go potty) Will he sit still and mind the teacher? Will he have a melt down when Addy plays with another kids? Or vice versa? I am like have I taught him all he should know or will he be that kid in the class that is behind everyone else? All you mothers know what I mean. I guess this is the time that tells have I done my job as a mother and can he make it without me there. I know this will not be the biggest thing I will every worry about in his life but right now it is!! He is my baby!!

On the other hand I am kind of excited about me and Logan getting to spend some time together before the new baby gets here. Usually if Logan is there Lucas is to. Not like with Lucas we were together for 2 years before another baby came along. So for me and Logan to get to hang out for a few months will be fun.

Well on a good note. My sickness is gone for the most part. I am feeling more like myself except for my afternoon naps I feel like I cant live without. I get so sleepy. So today we are trying to recuperate from a busy weekend with Douglas April Danielle and the girls. It was fun but I am really tired and I am trying to get my laundry caught up!

So yall have a great week!!


  1. I totally feel the pain....I wonder if Peyton will have her own paddle with her name on it because she will be in so much trouble...maybe they will do great

  2. Alea only got 14 months alone :( And I was sick most of that time! LOL - I know I know I'm the one that had them that close :) Good luck cause I'll be following your steps next year for preschool also so you'll have to hold my hand then!
