Friday I went back over to the church kid free! Thank you Nana! She kept all three of them so I could help them clean and get everything ready for the party and 4th weekend. So I ran to a couple stores which was so nice with no kids in tow. I usually always have atleast one with me. So this was a nice change for me.I went to get the kids and got them ready. Bradley ran home and changed from his work clothes and went straight to the church to finish the plumbing. The boys and I met him there for the party. After we ate Bradley some how ended up playing football with all the little boys. They wanted me to do the pinatas which was a lot of fun with the little kids. Except for fighting off the stinking mosquitos. They were sworming us! It was awful!
Saturday I got up super early meet mom ,LeAnne and Brandy to head to Beth's baby shower at Hytop. Which was really cute. We got to so spend some time with people we hardly ever see. Which was fun! Lots of laughs! Then rushed back home to find out that Lucas had lost his ball game but had the two best hits he had ever had. I wasn't there to see. :( And also that my father in law and brother in law which I love very much decided to come fix my back door. Which I am very grateful for except it didn't get finished. I had wood and tools all over my dining room. I also had a huge gap all around my door because Papaw got hungry and was ready to go home. LOL So I come home on 4th Saturday afternoon at 5 pm to find my house a mess (that I had stayed up until midnight Friday night getting cleaned) and the roar of cicada's. I was not happy!! I rushed in tried not to think about it got everybody baths fixed food for church and rushed out the door to get there 5 minutes till 7. It was our turn to clean so we were there until 10 again.
Sunday morning we rushed to church got there right on time again to find no one else on my crew had got there yet! LOL It was a bad morning. We didn't have any visitors. Which we usually don't in May with all the revivals starting. It was kind of nice for all of us on the cleaning crew. We didn't have that much to clean. Church was good Bro Pat annointed me and Levi. Then after getting home everyone except me taking a nap! Getting ready for church again. It had come to me to put a empty bottle in my diaper bag in case some one gave Levi the juice. I thought it was probably just me. Then I thought no I need to have faith so I did. Honestly I forgot all about it. We took the supper and was washing feet. Levi had went to sleep and was laying on the bench. I hadn't thought anything else about it honestly. Until I saw Bradley walking across the altar with that bottle. Bro Pat had told him to get a bottle that Bro JB felt like Levi needed the juice. I think he probably had like 4 oz of grape juice. I gave it to him and he loved it. He drank every bit of it. I know you probably think I am awful. I just kept thinking oml he has on his Easter outfit I paid almost $60. It was all white and I could just imagine him spitting up grape juice all over it. LOL..He didn't!!
Monday we got up cleaned a little. Then Nana and Papaw came over to finish my back door which is still not finished but I don't really care anymore. Levi was so happy all day.Lucas had a ballgame. They got slaughtered again. But the coach told them they played a awesome game. Which he lied!!! I get so sick of them saying they did great. If you don't ever tell them what they did wrong. They will keep doing it. That's my theory anyway! LOL Again I guess thats why I ain't the coach!! LOL So after the game mom me Bradley and the kids went to eat Mexican.
So Tuesday and Wednesday were about the same we did nothing. I started crocheting which I love! Went to church and laid around. I can not even tell you how much better Levi is doing. I knew he was doing better. But when I went to get his laundry out of his basket I saw how much better. He has stayed in the same outfit all day long everyday this week. (until I gave him a bath of course) I have like 5 bibs to wash. I am astonished!!
The other day I was thinking about having faith and what that meant. I know the substence of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. I know that! I got to thinking about Uncle Paul he had a way of explaining things in a way anyone could understand it. He was talking about Faith one time and he said " We all know he can do it but lets get to the place where we know he WILL" It actually made since to me. So I got to thinking that way. I believe he has healed Levi and I can see the results already. I can't wait to go to the doctor to see how much he has gained.
I know this has been a long probably boring post! Sorry have a Great Memorial Day weekend!
love ya