We had a pretty busy weekend! Lucas got home from
LeAnne's Thursday afternoon so we ordered pizza. The Brandy called wanting Lucas and Logan to go watch Lion King. Of course Lucas fell asleep and Logan never shut up but they had fun. I ran to Children's Place and all three fabric store at about 7:30. It was a very quick trip!!
LOL Then Friday me and the boys got up and headed out at 8:30. We had breakfast at chick
fila. Then to Target where we stayed for the next two hours. I can not believe I stayed in there that long with three boys and no one was killed! It was actually fun. We looked at everything in the store. They wanted to look at the toys. So they narrowed down there Christmas list to everything in Target. That should be easy enough. After that we went by Aunt Bee's to drop off some stuff we bought for Wilkins. Then mom aunt bee Wilkins me and the boys went to Long Horns for lunch.
So Lucas has been driving us crazy to go play glow golf. So after we had dinner with Nana and Lebron at the Japanese restaurant we went to the Glow Golf place in the mall. The boys had a blast me and Bradley not so much! Saturday we were going to the Pumpkin patch but Lebron called wanting Bradley to help him clean out his dads garage. So me and Lucas cleaned out his room. It took us all day. I know ridiculous! We dumped out every toy bucket pulled all the furniture out and organized. I have been wanting to do that for so long. I just dreaded it so bad but now it looks really good. Bradley and Logan got home at 3. So he just built a fire in the back yard and got rid of some brush that needed to be burnt. The kids loved that of course. We took a walk around the neighborhood with the dog. (something else Lucas has been wanting to do for a week) Come Saturday night they were so tired after they had their showers I didn't know if they would make it to bed.
Sunday was church all day of course. We went to Cracker Barrel with mom dad and Wilkins. We had a pretty good Fall Break. This morning was rough Lucas didn't want to get up and neither did I. But we made it just fine. Logan Levi and me went to McDonald's for lunch then to Hobby Lobby and Home Depot. I am going to get my bathroom done. I will have to post pics soon. We tore everything out of it about 3 months ago. As soon as we did Bradley started working 60 hours a week with a hour drive each way. Then carter got bad. So now there is nothing standing in our way. It has to get done. I am so tired of one bathroom in this house! Here are a few pics of our weekend.

Mammie rocking Levi at Cracker Barrel

I love this Logan is holding Wilkins purse while she plays checkers with Lucas!! LOL

Very tired from a long weekend

My poor itching little boy

Lucas carrying Levi

Playing glow golf

Nana, Lebron, and Bradley (they are so excited) LOL

Lucas and Logan being silly

Lucas and his new robot moves. Don't ask IDK where he got this!

Logan and those adorably misleading dimples!! He looks really sweet and innocent doesn't he!! WRONG!