Monday, March 29, 2010

Super Long post about nothing really!!LOL

This weekend was very busy. I felt like I didn't stop until yesterday afternoon. So Friday night Bradley, the boys and I went to Red lobster. It was so good.. I only had ONE biscuit I was very proud of myself. I ate tilapia which was really good and not too many points. Anyway we had a good time.

Saturday was supposed to be really pretty outside and it was! Bradley actually got up at like 9. That is really unusual he usually sleeps until 10:30 or 11:00. We went straight outside. Bradley and Logan mowed the front yard and when they were finished in the front. It was Lucas' turn. So Logan and I ran to the auto part store and gas station. I returned home only to see Lucas actually driving the lawn mower. Bradley was on there with him but he was turning it and everything. He did good until he was bringing it thru the gate to the garage. He hit the gate and ran into the garbage can. LOL. Anyway Bradley changed the brakes on my car and me and the boys went for a walk. When we got back mom called and she had made Logan some shorts so me and the boys ran over there so he could try them on while Bradley was finishing my car. Came back Bradley finished up the yard and I did some cleaning. We were all done and the boys were taking a nap at about 1:30. So I ran to Steinmart, Dillard's and Kohl's then to Kroger. Came home finished up my dinner for church then started the baths, ironing and getting everyone ready. I was rushing getting ready after I got the boys ready. So we rushed to the car and get about 5 minutes down the road and Bradley looked at the clock. He was like "Haley we are SUPER early." It was only 6:30. It only takes us like 15 minutes to get to church. So it almost kills Bradley to sit there for 20 minutes . Church was pretty good had a few visitors. Logan went home with Papaw. Lucas came home and was in Heaven. He would love to be a only child..LOL I put my beans on and ironed our clothes for church Sunday and went to bed. My back and my legs were killing me.

Thankfully Bradley prayed for me and I woke up Sunday morning feeling like a new person. So I got up and got ready. Went to church changed Logan's clothes when I got there. Because he can't wear the same thing two days in a row. Plus he wouldn't have matched all of us..LOL. Anyway church was good had some more visitors come in. Dinner was really good I don't know if it was because I hadn't eaten breakfast or just because it was stuff I never get to eat. Plus Nana had made home made Banana Pudding and somebody made real chocolate pie. I don't even want to know how many points that was. After dinner Logan wanted to go home with Papaw AGAIN and Lucas went to Mammie's house. So guess what I did when we got home. I went to bed. I slept from like 2-4:15. Ok I know church starts at 5 and we didn't mean to sleep that long. So I jumped up got ready shaved my legs so fast I have razor burn like you wouldn't believe. LOL Anyway got to church on time actually! We had communion and sang like 100 songs.(Well not that many but it was alot) Church was going really good and Brother Pat dismissed at like 6:30. It was nice!! So I brought everyone home and I ran to Ross. I was actually going to Target to get Easter basket stuff as I was driving by Ross and to my amazement they don't close until 9 on Sunday. Then off to Target and they close at 9 too I thought they stayed open until 10. I was wrong..Came home put the kids to bed and I went right back to sleep. It was a good weekend and I felt like we actually got some stuff accomplished.

Oh well I feel like I have done really bad on my diet this week. I think mainly because I didn't get to go to the meeting last week. So I am going tonight for sure then we have our women's meeting at church tonight. So it is another busy week for me. I have WW meeting and women's meeting tonight tomorrow night I will probably go shopping I have to help Brandy find something to wear this weekend..LOL ( I know you are ready this Brandy and I know how you love for me to go shopping with you on a mission LOL) Wed I am sure I will have Addy and I think Wilkins Wed plu have buttercup pictures at 5:30, then church. Thursday I hope I will have nothing to do after work but I am sure I will. Friday is our singing so I have to bake a couple cakes plus all the grandkids are having Easter pictures with real bunnies Friday at like 3 I think. Saturday is Kelsey Le's graduation party in Trenton at 11 in the morning. So after a long night at the singing we have to get up early and ride for 2 hours then I think we will try to be home for church Saturday night. Oh yea did I mention Bradley has to work Saturday so that means I will be driving down and back alone. Then to come back home for church Sunday for Easter. Then we have dinner so I have to cook AGAIN! After dinner we have the egg hunt and if they plan on singing the 10 songs we have been working on church will last forever. I was like come on pick out 4 songs. Oh well that is off the subject. My kids will be so sleepy after the egg hunt but they probably won't get a nap because church starts at 5 so we will pretty much have to turn around and go right back. Oh well busy weekend plus busy week equals a even busier weekend!! Have a good week maybe I lost some weight this week I will post a update!!


  1. I don't need you to go shopping with me...You can go shopping for yourself!! I don't like to try on clothes and you will not leave me alone!! Further more you need to quit rambling so much from one subject to the other!! lol When you start talking about something different then you should start a new paragraph!!!!

  2. WOW! You're one busy gal! Reading this made me tired LOL!

  3. Listen Brandy...That is how my brain works. Constantly from one thing to the next so I am sorry if I ramble and confuse people, but this is my blog and I can type what I want. I do not need you to correct me. LOL...If you can't be nice don't comment at all!!! LOL
