Friday, March 26, 2010

Thinking & Crying!!

Not much to mention this week. Except the fact that I have been reading Slick and Crystals blog and I can't tell you how much I have cried. That is so awesome!! I always thought it would be so neat to adopt a baby less fortunate than us. I have to tell you, I think it takes a special person to be able to do that. And that is just what they are. They are doing such a awesome thing for that little girl and the new baby. Not only will she get to have all the things she needs in this life. She will also get to be brought up by people that serve the lord and she will get to see the real power of God! What a blessing! When she grows up and looks back on where the lord brought her from. I can't imagine I was brought up only knowing this way. What a testimony this is for Brother Slick and Sister Crystal, but what a even BIGGER testimony it will be for that little girl one day!

Oh well life has went on here as normal. Wednesday I had Leanne's kids and my boys. Thank the lord it was beautiful outside. We all went out and played. I finally got to paint my bench that is on my porch. I took them all for a walk Lucas rode his bike again Addy rode the tricycle and Bryson pulled Logan and Will in the wagon. It was a nice day. Then we did the norm Wed night thing. Eat baths clothed church and then the kids went home with Nana and Papaw.

Thursday was nasty outside. I had to work till 1. When I got off I ran go the kids came home and they were so sleepy. So I put them both in bed made dinner and as soon as Bradley got here I was off to Coolsprings with the girls. (Mom LeAnne Addy Brandy and Wilkins) We were mainly just going to look and go to the fabric store. But of course we picked up a few things. They have a Janie and Jack there and I love that store!!! I got Bradley's Easter shirt it matches perfectly I was so surprised. I still haven't found myself just what I am looking for. LOL.. So they called today and delayed our pictures that we had for Saturday. So now we have to go Wed at 5:30pm.

So yet again on my day off I have all these kids. Wilkins and Addy are the only extras today. Not bad!! Wilkins just wonders around usually and Addy plays with Lucas.

I have to tell you what Wilkins did. She had a little cabbage patch baby of Logan's walking around with it. She went back down the hall with it and I thought she went in the boys room. I kept hearing her say "Sticky" over and over. So I went in there thinking she was in the boys room. I was wrong she was in the bathroom standing on the little stool dunking the baby in the TOLIET!! When I saw her I was like "Wilkin's" She turned and looked at and said "Baby Sticky Wash" The doll was completely soaked. So I guess she thought the baby needed a bath. Of course when it is not your kid you can just laugh. I cleaned her up and took the baby. Lucas said mommy are you not gonna give her a spanking. I just laughed and said no. LOL..Nieces are way more fun than your own..LOL

It is 4th weekend so I need to get up fix these kids some lunch get my house cleaned and start getting ready to do some grocery shopping and maybe go look for me something for Easter. Oh well hope yall have a good Weekend!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog and taking time to leave a comment! It's so encouraging to know that others out there understand where I am coming from and how hard it really is to fight this losing weight battle... Congrats on your losses so far... Let's encourage each other along the way, okay? :-) Mama H
